
What Foods Cause Dog Tear Stains?

Tear stains are a common problem faced by many dog owners. These unsightly marks can make your furry friend look tired and unkempt and affect their self-esteem.

While genetics, allergies, and health issues can all play a role in causing tear stains, it’s essential to know that the food your dog eats can also have an impact. 

Certain foods contain ingredients that are hard for dogs to digest, causing their bodies to produce more tear-producing fluids. Some of the most common culprits include foods with high levels of wheat, soy, corn, and dairy, processed foods, and artificial additives. 

Be mindful of what your dog is eating, and work with a veterinarian to determine the best food options for your pet. The proper diet can reduce or eliminate tear stains and help your dog look and feel best.

What Foods Cause Dog Tear Stains

1. Can Chicken Cause Tear Stains In Dogs?

It is a common misconception that chicken can cause tear stains in dogs. However, the root cause of tear stains is genetics, allergies, or bacterial infection. While chicken may contribute to allergies in some dogs, it is not directly responsible for causing tear stains. 

Providing dogs with high-quality, lean chicken protein can even help improve the overall health of their skin and fur. It’s important to understand that tear stains are complex, and addressing them requires a comprehensive approach to addressing the underlying causes.

2. Tips For Preventing Food-Related Tear Stains In Dogs

Avoid feeding your dog food or treats containing artificial dyes, preservatives, or ingredients high in sugar. These can cause irritation and redness in the torn area.

Switch to high-quality, grain-free dog food rich in antioxidants and nutrients to boost the health of your dog’s skin and coat health.

Offer fresh, clean water and encourage your dog to drink frequently to flush out any impurities from the torn area.

Keep the hair around your dog’s eyes trimmed to minimize the risk of food or water spilling onto the fur and causing tear stains.

Use a gentle tear stain remover that contains natural ingredients such as aloe vera or witch hazel to clean the torn area regularly.

Consider feeding your dog a natural supplement, such as omega-3 fatty acids, to help keep the skin and coat healthy and prevent tear stains.

Use an air-tight, resealable container to store your dog’s food and keep it fresh. It will reduce the risk of bacteria and yeast growth in the food, which can contribute to tear stains.

Wash your dog’s food and water dishes regularly to prevent bacteria and yeast buildup, which can lead to tearing stains.

Encourage your dog to blink regularly to help keep the torn area clean and free of food or debris.

3. Does Tap Water Cause Tear Stains In Dogs

Tap water is a common source of hydration for dogs, but it is not the cause of tear stains. Tear stains are reason by the accumulation of bacteria, yeast, and other debris in the fur around dogs’ eyes. 

These substances are created by the natural tear ducts and are not related to the water the dog drinks. While tap water may contain minerals that can cause discoloration, it is not the main factor in developing tear stains. Instead, factors such as genetics, diet, and breed can all play a role in the appearance of these unsightly marks. 

Maintaining good hygiene and grooming practices is the most meaningful toe best way to prevent tearing food that won’t cause tear stains.

If you have a dog with tear stains, seeing those unsightly marks on its face can be heartbreaking. But did you know that the cause of tear stains can often be traced back to your dog’s diet? 

Many commercial dog foods contain artificial colors, preservatives, and fillers that can cause a reaction in your dog’s body that results in tear stains. To avoid this, look for high-quality, all-natural dog food without these ingredients. 

Some options include grain-free, organic, or raw dog food diets. These diets are created to provide all the nutrients your dog needs without harmful additives that could cause tear stains. 

4. Why Does My Dog Have Tear Stains All Of A Sudden

Excessive tear production: If your dog has started producing excessive tears, this could be the cause of tear stains. That could be due to a problem with the tear ducts or an eye infection.

Eye irritants: Certain irritants in your dog’s environment could cause tear stains. That could include dust, smoke, and chemicals.

Allergies: Your dog may have developed an allergy to something in its environment. This could be a food allergy or an allergy to something in the air.

Eye infection: Eye infections can cause tear stains. If your dog’s eyes are red and weepy, it’s important to take them to the vet for a check-up.

Genetics: Some breeds of dogs are more prone to tear stains. It could be due to the shape of their eyes or the way they are bred.

Poor diet: If your dog is not eating a balanced diet, it could affect its eye health. Make sure your dog is eating a well-balanced diet to prevent tear stains.

5. Is Coconut Oil Best For Dog Tear Stains?

  • Start by washing your dog’s face and wiping away any excess tears.
  • Next, dip a cotton swab into coconut oil and gently rub it into the affected area.
  • Repeat this process every day until the tear stains begin to fade.
  • Add coconut oil to your dog’s food if you want to speed up the process.
  • It’s important to note that coconut oil is safe for dogs to consume and is an effective natural remedy for tear stains.
  • Be patient, as the stains may take a few weeks to disappear completely.


In conclusion, dog tear stains can be caused by various factors, including genetics, diet, and health issues. However, it is essential to note that certain foods such as dairy, soy, wheat, and corn can be particularly problematic for dogs with tear stain issues. 

It is best to eliminate these foods from your dog’s diet and switch to a high-quality, all-natural diet to minimize the risk of tear stains. Additionally, regular eye hygiene practices such as wiping away excess tears and cleaning the fur around the eyes can help reduce the appearance of tear stains. Hopefully, you understand well.

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