
What Foods Are Bad For French Bulldogs

With their big eyes and small, stocky stature, French bulldogs are much-loved companions for many dog lovers. Their adorable appearance and fun-loving personalities make them popular with pet owners.

But, as with any dog, there are certain things that French bulldogs should not eat. Knowing what foods can be potentially dangerous for your four-legged friend is essential to ensure they stay healthy and happy. 

This article will cover the foods French bulldogs should avoid and provide tips for keeping your pup safe.

What Foods Are Bad For French Bulldogs

1. What Can’t French Bulldogs Eat?

French Bulldogs are sensitive to certain foods and can suffer from allergies or other digestive issues if they eat incorrectly. It’s important to know what your Frenchie should and shouldn’t be eating to keep them healthy.

It’s best to avoid foods high in fat, sodium, sugar, or other chemicals, as these can cause gastric distress or allergic reactions in Frenchies. Some common foods that you should avoid are:

  • Chocolate
  • Onions
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Avocado
  • Nuts (especially macadamia nuts)
  • Garlic
  • Alcoholic beverages

French Bulldogs also lack the enzymes needed to break down lactose, so it is essential to avoid dairy products such as milk and Cheese. Additionally, too much fat in their food could cause pancreatitis. Finally, it is important not to overfeed your Frenchie and ensure they get enough exercise daily.

2. Toxic Foods For French Bulldogs

Certain foods are toxic to dogs, and some are more dangerous than others. With their small size and short lifespans, French bulldogs are especially vulnerable to toxins in some human foods. While avoiding all the foods on this list is unnecessary, knowing which ones are dangerous for French Bulldogs is essential. It will help you keep your pup safe and healthy. 

Some toxic foods your French bulldogs should avoid include:

Bones. While many dog owners let their pups gnaw on bones as a treat, they can be very dangerous. Bones are tough to digest and can cause stomach or intestinal blockages. They can also scrape the inside of your dog’s mouth or cause choking.   

Chocolate.   While it is not a super dangerous toxin, it can harm dogs. It is toxic to dogs because it contains caffeine and a compound called theobromine, which can upset a dog’s digestive system. 

Dogs metabolize. These compounds are much more slowly than humans, which is why they are dangerous to dogs. In high doses, chocolate can be fatal for dogs.   

Dairy. Though dogs are omnivorous, they cannot digest lactose, the sugar in dairy products. This can lead to digestive issues like diarrhoea, upset stomach, and vomiting.

3. What Foods Can French Bulldogs Not Eat?

As we just went over, certain foods are toxic to French bulldogs. But, some foods are just unnecessary for their diet. Some foods that French bulldogs can’t eat include:   

Corn is a grain, not a vegetable, and does not provide any nutrients for your dog’s needs. The French bulldog is not recommended to eat corn-based foods. At the same time, dairy products do not contain toxic properties. 

They are not necessary for your dog’s nutrition. You can substitute dairy with products like soy or almond milk. Fatty foods like bacon, fried Chicken, and rich sauces can lead to obesity and other health issues in dogs.   Grains   While corn is a grain. 

Your dog should eat something other than grains like wheat or oats. These are not necessary for their diet and can cause digestive issues.

4. What Are Some Tips To Keep Your French Bulldog Safe?

A well-balanced diet is essential for any dog’s health. To prevent obesity, feed your pup small meals throughout the day.   

Watch your dog’s weight. If you notice that they are putting on too much weight, feed them less or switch to lower-calorie food. If your dog is too thin, increase the amount you feed them.   Keep your dog’s teeth clean. 

And use a grain-free dental diet.   At least once a year, take your dog for a thorough and complete physical exam. It will help you catch any health issues early.

5. What Can French Bulldogs Eat?

The best diet for your dog is one that is high quality and balanced. This diet should consist of protein, fat, and fibre, along with vitamins and minerals needed to keep your dog healthy.

While you should avoid feeding your dog some foods, others are okay to feed them. Some foods that are okay to feed your French bulldog include Chicken. This is an excellent source of lean protein and is safe to feed your dog.   

Fish. Some fish, like Salmon and tuna, are safe for dogs. Feeding your dog fish is okay, but avoid feeding them fish with high mercury levels.  

Eggs. There are a few ways to feed your dog eggs. You can scramble, boil, or feed them as an omelette.  Vegetable Veggies like carrots and sweet potatoes make excellent treats for your dog.   

6. What Can French Bulldogs Drink?

Ideally, your dog should drink water, but they can also drink unsweetened tea or coffee. If you want to spoil your dog, you can give them plain milk with no sugar. If you want to make it unique, add some cinnamon or nutmeg. Before feeding, you can mix.

7. What Human Food Can French Bulldogs Eat?

French bulldogs are omnivores, which means they eat both vegetables and meat. If you want to spoil your dog, you can give them some of your food, but do what is necessary. Some examples of foods they can eat are:

  1. Apple Apples are a healthy snack for dogs. They also help keep their teeth clean.   Cantaloupe is full of vitamins and minerals and is a healthy dog treat.   
  2. Carrots Dogs love carrots, a great source of vitamins.   
  3. Cheese can be given as a treat to dogs. Protein and fat content are high in this food.
  4. Chocolate: We know dogs shouldn’t eat this, but it can be a treat.   
  5. Fish, Salmon, and tuna are good treats for dogs.   
  6. The vitamin and mineral content of peanut butter makes it a good source of nourishment and a healthy dog treat.   Sweet Potatoes are full of nutrients and are a healthy treat for dogs.   
  7. Yoghurt is a healthy treat for dogs.

8. What Can French Bulldogs Eat Cheese?

Yes, French bulldogs can eat Cheese! Cheese is an excellent source of protein and calcium for French Bulldogs and can help to supplement their diet. Cheese also provides a range of vitamins and minerals that benefit your pup. 

As with all treats, they should only be given to your dog in moderation. Be sure to check the ingredients list before feeding any cheese to your pup, as some cheeses may contain ingredients that could be harmful to them. 

Additionally, opt for lower-fat varieties as Frenchies tend to be prone to weight gain.

9. Tips For Feeding French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs are a beloved breed, and they’re known for their cute looks and personalities. But if you’re the proud owner of one, you know how important it is to feed them right. Here are some tips to help ensure that your Frenchie stays healthy and happy:

1. Choose a high-quality food – French Bulldogs need all the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins to stay active and healthy. Look for foods designed explicitly for French Bulldogs or small breeds like them.

2. Monitor their weight – As with all breeds, it’s essential to keep an eye on your Frenchie’s weight so that you can ensure they aren’t gaining too much or losing too much weight.

3. Feed them twice a day – To maintain a healthy weight and energy level, French Bulldogs should be fed twice a day, twice a day, with regularity.

4. Avoid table scraps – Table scraps can contain unhealthy fats and ingredients which can be harmful in large amounts over time, so it’s best to avoid giving your Frenchie table scraps


To sum up, you should avoid feeding your french bulldog any food that is high in fat, such as fatty meats, Cheese, and table scraps. You should also avoid giving them foods like chocolate, grapes, onions, and xylitol, which can all be toxic to dogs. 

Lastly, it would help if you only gave them treats and snacks in moderation. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your french bulldog has a healthy and happy life.


Can French Bulldogs Eat Tuna?

Fish is an excellent food for dogs to eat. The best fish to feed your dog is Salmon or tuna. Other types of fish are okay, but Salmon and tuna (or other types of canned fish) contain the best nutrients for your dog. 
You can feed your dog tuna, but remember that too much fish, especially tuna, can lead to mercury poisoning. Feeding your dog tuna once in a while is okay, but do what is necessary.

What Can French Bulldogs Drink Iced Tea?

French Bulldogs can drink iced tea. The best kind of iced tea to give your dog is black iced tea, as it is caffeine free. Be sure to ask for no ice, as dogs can’t digest ice. If your dog has a health condition requiring them to avoid caffeine, or they are in heat, you can give them decaf iced tea.

What Human Food Can French Bulldogs Eat, Cheese?

Cheese is high in fat and calories, which can lead to obesity in French Bulldogs if it’s consumed regularly or in large quantities. Cheese also contains lactose, a type of sugar that can cause digestive issues for dogs who cannot digest it properly. Additionally, Cheese may contain bacteria that could make your pup sick if ingested.

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