
Can adding Water To Dry Dog Food Cause Diarrhea? [An Expert Guide]

If the sound of your dog’s kibble grinding bothers you and you are committed to making sure your dog gets hydrated throughout meals, then adding water to dry food is a considerate way to improve mealtimes for your pet. It is important to consider the safety and advantages of this method. Have you thought of putting some water in your dog’s kibble? What happens if this innocuous act makes them queasy? For the benefit of your pet’s health, you must be aware of the effects of dietary modifications. This article investigates the possibility that adding water to dry pet food could cause problems like diarrhea.

adding water Dry dog food
Adding Water

Adding Water to Dry Dog Food

Not all dry pet foods are suitable for water. It’s generally recommended for kibble designed to absorb water without compromising its texture or nutritional value. Look for high-quality, grain-free kibble with natural ingredients. 

Understanding Dry Dog Food

Due to its low cost, ease of use, and extended shelf life, dry pet food, commonly referred to as kibble, is a preferred option among pet owners. However, precisely what is it? It’s made from a mixture of proteins, grains, and vegetables that are cooked, ground together, and then dried.

Should you add water to dry dog food for puppies?

Puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs, and their transition to solid food can sometimes be challenging. Adding water to dry puppy food can be beneficial for a few reasons:


Softening the kibble with water makes it easier for puppies to chew and digest, especially during the weaning process.


Puppies are more susceptible to dehydration, so adding to their food helps ensure they get enough fluids.

Encouragement of Appetite:

Puppies with dental problems or teething may be more receptive to food if it is softer. But it’s crucial to find equilibrium. Meals should be gently moistened but not soaked to prevent rotting; any uneaten food should be removed after a short period.

Is it wise to hydrate your dog’s dry food?


Dehydration poses a major risk to the health of dogs overall, even though many of them don’t drink enough water for themselves. Mixing water with dry food may help pets drink more water, especially in the summer or for pets with urinary system issues.

Drying food will keep your pet’s teeth good for plaque growth and promote dental health. A few pets can still develop teeth problems or be old, making dry food hard to eat. Add water to their food to soften it so it’s easy for them to take in without compromising the condition of their teeth.

The Nutritional Impact of Dry Food and Water

Adding water to dry Pup food doesn’t alter its nutritional value, but it does change its texture and could potentially make it more palatable for some dogs.

Let’s dive deeper into the possible benefits and drawbacks of adding water to dry dog food.

Benefits of Adding Water

Adding water can make food more appealing to dogs, ease chewing, and increase hydration. It can also help dogs who eat their food too quickly to slow down, which can prevent choking and digestive issues.

Potential Drawbacks

However, there are potential drawbacks. Adding too much water might make the food too soggy and unappetizing for some dogs. Plus, if the wetted food isn’t eaten right away, it could spoil and lead to bacterial growth.

The Role of Water in Digestion

Water is essential for digestion. It aids in breaking down food so nutrients can be absorbed

and used by the body. Without sufficient water, digestion can become difficult.

Possible Causes of Diarrhoea Food Intolerance

Some dogs might not tolerate the change in texture when water is added to their dry food, which could lead to diarrhea. This is more about the dog’s individual preference and sensitivity than a general rule.

Sudden Dietary Changes

Dogs have sensitive stomachs, and sudden changes in diet, including changes in the texture or temperature of their food, can cause digestive upset, including diarrhea. Therefore, if you decide to start adding water to your dog’s dry food, it’s important to introduce this change gradually.

How to add water to Your Dog’s Dry Food Properly:

Add water dry food properly

Mix up the recommended amount of dry meals based on the meal plans for the pet’s meal box.

If you’re adding it for the first time, use a little water and gradually build it up for some days when your dog becomes used to the new taste.

Do not include much water because it can transform the meal into a soft mess, which some dogs may not like. A good rule of thumb is to add a little water to hydrate the meal without making it soupy.

During the day, keep fresh, clean water in a separate bowl for your pet to drink.

Keep an eye on your dog’s reaction to the wet food. A few dogs may enjoy it, and some may dislike it. Based on your dog’s tastes, adjust the amount of water properly.

What causes diarrhea in dogs?

Diarrhea in dogs may be a result of eating spoiled food or garbage, especially when your food stays for a long time without being consumed by your dog. Additionally, some parasites, such as hookworms, coccidia, whipworms, roundworms, or giardia, may cause diarrhea since they may come from one dog to another.

Besides the above causes, some foods, such as garlic, onions, eggs, or even milk, may also lead to diarrhea. Therefore, you need to be careful about what your dog eats or drinks to avoid being attacked with diarrhea.

Causes Of Dog Diarrhoea When Adding Water To Dry Food

On the other hand, too much dirty and polluted water might cause diarrhea in dogs. That is because the puppy food already contains water; adding extra water will keep it inside the dog’s stomach. It can result in more bacteria, leading to greater health problems. Many factors may lead to diarrhea in dogs. Food reactions or allergies are a common cause. Dogs, like humans, can react badly to some products, such as grains, proteins, or artificial additives.

What should you do when your dog has diarrhea?

Minor diarrhea in dogs may be handled at home by providing a bland diet of boiled chicken, low-fat sandwiches, and white rice.”

How to Treat Kitten Diarrhoea in Your Dog at Home

Sometimes, if your dog looks strange, you can treat their kitten’s diarrhea without calling the doctor.

If you’ve decided it’s safe to try “testing out” your pet’s diarrhea for 24 to 36 hours, here are some choices to remember.


Rest is important in the same way it is for us. Give your dog a peaceful and enjoyable place to rest. It may be better to be near a door to go out and have an easy-to-clean floor for those hapless poop problems.


Feed your dog for 12 hours to give their digestive system time to take a break and recuperate. It involves no sweets, everyday meals, snacks, or other types of food.


It would help if you kept your dog wet. During this time, you may supply your pet with water made from rice. The main benefit of water from rice vs normal water is that it can help digestion, decrease digestive discomfort, give some important minerals, and give some energy with glucose.

The Digestive System of Dogs

To understand the impact of adding water to dry food on a dog’s digestive system, we need to know a bit about how dogs digest their food.

How Dogs Digest Food?

The canine digestive system is designed to process meat and bones. However, domesticated dogs have evolved to handle a variety of foods. Digestion starts in the mouth, goes down to the stomach, then to the intestines, and finally, the undigested material is eliminated.

Impact of Dietary Changes on Dogs

Dogs’ digestive systems can be sensitive to sudden changes. This includes not only changing the type of food but also changing the texture or temperature of the food.

How to Minimize the Risk of Dogs’ Digestive Upsets

To stop digestive issues in dogs, give regular, healthy, and medically right food according to the pet’s weight, age phase, and energy level. Differences in Pet food can cause diarrhea, so it’s important to be regular and give one meal every day at the same time. 

Dogs perform well regularly. If a pet owner must change types of food, it is better to attempt so slowly by changing from the old and new types in steps, slowly adding the amount of the new product with every dish. 

If a pet has been noticed to have digestive problems, owners may start by cutting out food for 12 to 24 hours and ensuring they are supplied with fresh, clean water. The short time between eating can help a dog by helping its digestive tract cool down and restore its normal germ population. 

To help them keep energy and stay moist, supply them with a bowl of bone broth or clean soup. It is a good sign if they show delight in food after a few days, and giving them soup and real food is okay.

Digestive problems in dogs are common and change in degree. As a team, we can lower the rate of digestive problems in dogs while keeping pets happy, healthy, and comfortable with the right care and food. 

Can adding water to Dry Dog Food Cause Bloat?

Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), is a potentially life-threatening condition in dogs. It happens when the stomach fills with gas or fluid and then twists on itself. While the exact cause of bloat is not fully understood, there is no direct link between adding water to food and bloat. Water can sometimes be beneficial for digestion, but it’s essential to do it in moderation.

Benefits of Adding Water to Your Dog’s Dry Food

The extra water increases the amount of your dog’s food without increasing the amount of calories or making her feel better. Appetite. Warm water will make the food you give your pet give off attractive, delicious fragrances. Applying tasty items to hydrated food is also much simpler.

Key facts in which dipping may be beneficial:

Throughout the weaning process:

When kittens and puppies move from their mother’s milk to solids, boiling food and using it with a spoon gives it the right texture to be ‘lapped’ up.

If your dog has a sensitive digestive system,

Drying the food melts it, easing the first workload of the enzymes that break down the food and pass during illness or healing. Light food is also gentler on the esophagus; it may be inflamed and disturbed in dogs due to stomach acid or healing from vomiting attacks.

If your dog is open to stress:

A belly full of water on top of a belly full of dry food may raise the risk of bloating in a dog used to taking a deep drink after a dry meal. Soaking the food and feeding it in an anti-gulp dish (a specific form with an obstacle the dog must eat around to access it) may help reduce the eating rate.

If your pet wants more hydration:

Getting a dog to drink is hard, and some are subject to issues with their bladders. Therefore, boiling food will help improve the amount of water consumed.

If your pet is prone to inappetence or is a good food overall

Boiling a dry treat in warm water helps out its smell by melting the meat fats behind the food, giving it an aroma that dogs enjoy.

How To Make Dry Dog Food Wet

Making dry food wet requires the same steps as making anything wet: add water. But to make it wet deliciously for your dog, you have to get two things right. The first is the proportion of the water you add, and the second is the timing.

Here are the steps to make dry food softer:

  • Add kibble to your dog’s food bowl first. If you add water first, the kibble will turn into soup.  
  •  Fill a quarter of a regular cup with filtered water – You can measure this by just looking at the cup while erring on the side of less to find the right consistency for your dog.
  •  Pour it evenly on top of the kibble – Make sure you don’t pour all the water in the center. Think more drizzle and less waterfall. 
  •  Stir after 5 minutes – Gently stir the food after about 5 minutes. If the kibble remains dry, add some more water.
  •  Serve it within 15 minutes – Let the kibble soak for 5-15 minutes, depending on if you added cold, room temperature, or hot water. Most dogs reject dry food that sits in the water longer than 15 minutes, but if your pet doesn’t, there is no harm in letting it sit even longer.

If Shifting From One Pet Food Brand To Another

Not only will soaking and mixing the Puppy food help mask any differences, but the digestive tract will also adopt the vitamin shift more ‘gently.’ It is advisable to gradually shift Pet food brands or recipes over several days, whether you give wet, dry, or both.


However, this is not a certainty for all dogs. Management and control are necessary. But hydration is important for a dog’s health; adding water to dry food could lead to diarrhea. Some dogs might be effective at soaking food, but others can get sick due to the sudden change in taste and amount of water.

To prevent digestive problems, add water slowly so it doesn’t exceed 25–30% of the meal’s capacity. Further, discussing with an animal specialist may help you choose the best way for your dog’s needs. Always keep the health of your dog first by eating right.


How Much Water Should I Add To Dry Dog Food?

Add a quarter of a cup of water to your dog’s dry food. As kibble is naturally porous, it will soak up the moisture. If you find your dog prefers his meal with more water, experiment by adding 1/8th of a cup at a time. If you add too much water, you will make the food too mushy.

How Long To Soak Kibble In Water?

Soak your dog’s kibble in water for between 5 and 15 minutes, depending on the temperature of the water added and the size of the kibble. Dry Pet food will take longer to break down and soften in cold water than in hot water. Always ensure the food has sufficiently cooled before serving.

Can Adding Water To Dry Dog Food Cause Bloat?

Adding water to dry food is less likely to cause bloat in dogs, although they can bloat on any food. However, causing kibble to expand in water first decreases the risk. Don’t allow your dog to drink excessively after a meal, gulp his food, or exercise him for an hour after feeding.

Can Adding Water To Kibble Cause Diarrhea?

Adding water to dry Pup food will not usually cause diarrhea. Eating garbage or other offensive or irritating things or a sudden change in diet are common causes of diarrhea. However, excessively high water consumption can cause water intoxication, which, although dangerous, is rare.

What Can Be Mixed With Dry Dog Food?

You can add water to dry Pup food to make it into a “gravy” or tasty broth. Or add toppings such as chicken, beef, lamb, fish, brown rice, yogurt, eggs, peanut butter, pumpkin, carrots, peas, and green beans. Some owners also like to add commercial dog food toppers or mix in a little wet food.

Should I add warm or cold water to the kibble?

When it comes to the temperature, it is generally recommended to use lukewarm or room-temperature water, as extreme temperatures can affect the taste and texture of the pudding. Additionally, allowing the dry food to soak in water for a few minutes before serving can help to soften it and make it easier for dogs to chew and digest.

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